Everstar Portable Air Conditioner Error Codes;
Error Codes | Problem-Solution |
P1 | The LCD window will shows 'P1' and the Water Full indicator will flash every 0.5 seconds. |
P2 | Compressor does not work and the digital display area shows “ P2 '. The bottom tray is full |
E1 | The cooting indicator light flashes at 1H: and the digital display area shows “E1 '. The room temperature Sensor is off or shon-circuit. |
E2 | The FAN indicator light flashes at 1H: and the digital display area shows “ E2 '. The Evaporator Temperature Sensor is off or short-circuit. |
E3 | The Dehumidifying indicator light flashes at 1H: and the digital display area shows 'E3'. The Condenser Temperature Sensor is off or short-circuit. |
Troubles: Unit does not Start when Pressing onloff Button
Possible Causes:
- Wateriull indicator blinks, water tank is full.
- Room temperature is higher than the set temperature.
- Room temperature is lower than the set temperature.
Suggest Remedies:
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- Dump the water in the water tank.
- Reset the temperature.
- Reset the temperature.
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Troubles: Not cool enough
Possible Causes:
- The windows or doors in the room are not closed.
- There are heat sources inside the room.
- Exhaust air duct is not connected or blocked.
- Temperature setting is too high.
- Air filter is blocked by dust.
Suggest Remedies:
- Make sure all the windows and doors are closed.
- Remove the heat sources it possible.
- Connect the duct and make sure it can function properly.
- Decrease the set temperature.
- Clean the air filter.
Troubles: Noisy or vibration
Possible Causes: The ground is not level or not flat enough.
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Suggest Remedies: Place the unit on a flat. level ground if possible.
Troubles: Gurgling sound
Everstar Mpm2 10cr Bb6 Service Manuals
Possible Causes: The sound comes from the flowing of the refrigerant inside the air conditioner.
Suggest Remedies: It is normal.
How to Fix P1 Error?
This unit is equipped with a fail-safe switch mechanism which prevents the unit from condensing water in the event the water tank is accidentally displaced, and / or FULL with water. If this situation occurs, the LED window shows “P1” and the WATER FULL indicator light will flash red continuously until the water tank is correctly positioned and/or emptied. Condensed water will be accumulated in the water tank. When the tank is full, the LED window will show “P1” and the Water Full indicator light start flashing. At this time the air cooling process will immediately stop. However, the fan motor will continue to operate (this is normal). Carefully remove the water tank from the cabinet and dispose of the water. Replace the water tank back to it’s original position (in cabinet) and the air cooling process will automatically resume. It may take 3-5 minutes for the compressor to re-start. This is normal.