Guitar/Mandolin Serial Number Decoders - Guitar Dater
- ing the production year of a guitar or amplifier. But an incomplete registrations and illogical serial numbers is its history often unclear. With support of the serial number decoder (guitar dater), tables and clues, the production year and location of the biggest known brands can be traced. In case of no serial (or poorly to read), the electronic.
- I have recently aquired an arnold hoyer six string acoustic guitar and would. 90 years quality, under which it has the serial number 002413. Beautiful old jazz guitar, made by Arnold Hoyer in the 1950s (probably late 1950s) in West Germany. The Hoyer company produced a lot of cool and legendary models, and this one of the earliest
- Arnold Hoyer Guitar Serial Number 4,5/5 3561 votes. When I was asked from the Vintage Guitar magazine to send the pics of Hoyer Bianka. And the Arnold Hoyer guitar. Guitar had no name but have the number '29. I have recently aquired an arnold hoyer six string acoustic guitar and would greatly apprieciate any info on it. There is a label inside it of a big star in which it says arnold hoyer.
- Gitarren, die von 1957-1971 durch die britische Selmer Company vertrieben wurden: Selmer Seriennummern Höfner Seriennummern 75-86 Höfner Seriennummern 1986 - heute Seriennummen für den speziellen 500 / 1 V58-Bass, der zwischen 1984-93 in Japan verkauft wurde - Seriennummern Japan Bas
- The Hoyer guitar name dates to 1874, with Franz Hoyer opening a shop in Schonbach. Serial Number: N/A, but built. Hoyer guitar for sale: Vintage Hoyer 1950s Archtop guitar with Kent Armstrong pickup: 429 £ Hoyer Expo Archtop Guitar 1960: 495 £ Acoustic Guitar:Arnold Hoy. Hoyer acoustic guitar range. Made in Europe. The HOYER® trademark is owned by RITTER LLC of the USA and is fully.
- Hoyer ist ein Markenname für Gitarren und E-Bässe.. Die Marke geht zurück auf die 1874 von Franz Hoyer in Schönbach/Egerland (heute Tschechien) gegründete Gitarrenmanufaktur. 1945 wurde die Werkstatt von dessen Sohn Arnold Hoyer in Tennenlohe bei Erlangen wiederbegründet und konzentrierte sich ab 1967 - nach Arnolds Tod und der Übernahme der Firma durch dessen Sohn Walter A. Hoyer.
Hoyer Guitar Serial Numbers - programmissio
HCG098 Hoyer 4/4 Classical Guitar. full open pore finish; laminated European Ash top; Sapele back and sides; Acacia Koa neck; solid Darkened Acacia Koa; ABS nut and saddle; Indian Rosewood bridge; Gold Brown buttons and D'addario MIX13 steel strings; Zoom View video HCG093 Hoyer 3/4 Classical Guitar . full open pore finish; laminated European Ash top; Sapele back and sides; Acacia Koa neck. The history of the HOYER guitar brand began in 1874, when Franz Hoyer, son of an old German luthier family, opened his own workshop in Schönbach/Egerland (today Czech Republic). Schönbach was an important part of the European musical instrument production at that time. After making lutes and zithers in the beginning, HOYER changed more and more to classic and folk guitars. Later, the.
Up for sale is my Hoyer Explorer electric guitar. From my research, I would date this in either the late 70s or early 80s. Made in Germany. These are quite rare (serial number 28) and extremely well made.This particular model is set neck, 5 piece neck-through, flame top, back of headstock has sli. HOHNER - HISTORICAL GUITAR MODELS page 2 54 Image Category Model Name Year from-to Description former retail price Acoustic Delta 44 J ca. 1988 jumbo; colours: natural, pearl white, black 310 DM (1990).
Arnold Hoyer Guitar Serial Number
- By Epiphone 14, 5 years ago on Questions & Answers. I have a Penco guitar serial number 14073 model number 417 and I'm wonderin.
- Up for sale is my Hoyer Explorer electric guitar. From my research, I would date this in either the late 70s or early 80s. Made in Germany. These are quite rare (serial number 28) and extremely well made.This particular model is set neck, 5 piece neck-through, flame top, back of headstock has sli.
Hondo guitars started in Texas in the late 1960s, teaming up with the Korean company Samick to manufacture guitars to American specifications, at low prices spurred by cheap Korean labor. The quality from Korea was considered subpar, but the prices kept Hondo in business. In the late '70s, some Hondo models went into production in Japan. They were generally regarded as being a little better. HOYER Bereits verkauft Nr. 2020200. E-Gitarre Typ: 5065, eine der besten Stratkopien made in Germany, mit schlankem Schichtholzhals. Bj.: ca Mitte 70, Zustand: 2. Ihre Anfrage zu HOYER Nr.: 2020200. Email mit Ihrer Anfrage senden Anfrage schließen und nicht senden. bild vergrößern. HOYER Bereits verkauft Nr. 2020460. Doppelhals E-Gitarre 6/12 Typ: 7000 Eines von zwei Doppelhalstypen, die. Hello, I have a couple of Guitars that i wanted to know what years they are from and other information regarding these guitars. The Hoyer is a Solid body all original electric guitar with serial number 23041. And the other is a Höfner 176 with serial number 176 964 I have pictures but i am not sure how to attach them in this forum
Gitarren Seriennummern - Service - Inf
- HoyerGuitars is a German manufacturer of guitars. History. Established in 1874 by Franz Hoyer in his workshop in Schönbach (now in the Czech Republic). Hoyer began by making lutes and zithers, and then changed to classic and folk guitars. The company was continued by his son Joseph Hoyer. In 1945 the family left Schönbach and settled in Tennenlohe near Erlangen in Germany. Joseph Hoyer's.
- family, started another Hoyer guitar company, unrelated to the first one. So there is now both a Hoyer and a W.A. Hoyer guitar company in existence. Lest anyone think I am a walking repository for this stuff, most of the information came from Electro Gitarren Made in Germany. Out of print, but a treasure trove of teutonic trivia. Hoyer acoustic: Dierk Abel: 7/12/99 12:00 AM: George4908.
- Have inherited an Old? guitar, and inside I only can see the name Arnold Hoyer, 90 years quality an a number that can be a serial number 009278. I would appreciate if You had some info for me about this product. The guitar is acustic with a rather small neck. I know it was bought in the US may yeras ago, and that´s all I know
- Welcome to the Tokai Guitar Registry it can help us clarify which are Tokai Fender copies and those that fall under the Made in Korea serial number schemes. Additionally, if something ever were to happen to your guitar (stolen, damaged) then the Registry would be helpful in providing key information for insurance purposes. For those of you that own a Tokai Love Rocks, check out the Tokai.
- Hoyer guitar - bought in Munich in 1972 - one owner since new. This is the guitar that inspired the song What Good Is This Old Guitar? Hear it here - https..
- Vintage RARE 1960's Hoyer German F-Hole Guitar Pickguard Luthier Parts Project. $79.88 +$18.00 shipping. Make Offer - Vintage RARE 1960's Hoyer German F-Hole Guitar Pickguard Luthier Parts Project. 1962 HOYER ELECTRIC GUITAR - FIRST MODEL EVER MADE. $1,590.00 +$99.00 shipping. Make Offer - 1962 HOYER ELECTRIC GUITAR - FIRST MODEL EVER MADE. Vintage 1955 Original - Arnold Hoyer Archtop Jazz.
Video: Arnold Hoyer Guitar Serial Number - FC
Hoyer company has been established in 1874 in Schönbach (noe Tchechian Republik), from 1945 Erlangen, actually Düsseldorf. The eldest existing Hoyer guitar is from 1852! We have an instrument of ca. 1890. [Source: Michael Compernass, HOYER GUITARS e.K. email 17/3/2008] different to Rodebald Hoyer The Fender serial number decoder currently supports all documented MIA, MIJ, MIM, MIK and MII formats with the exception of Custom Shop, Relic and Reissue instruments. Please note that fender serial numbers tend to overlap by at least a year, and thereby the date of your guitar can only be approximated In general, Hopf, Hoyer, Klira and Framus all settled in on a cartoon guitar gestalt. It's as if they were copying American guitars, but they were really drunk that day. Many of their designs are just plain ugly (even a guitar with a shape as cool as Framus' Strato-Melody series was built to suggest cheesiness). This is not to say that these other companies didn't make some great guitars. SOLD !!! ca. 1967 Hoyer Semiacoustic 335-style Guitar -... 650,00 EUR. zzgl. Versandkosten. mehr... 1973 Hoyer 4066 Bass (4001 Copy) 1973 Hoyer 4066 Bass - Black Ca. 70s Hoyer 4001 Copy called Modell... 750,00 EUR. zzgl. Versandkosten. mehr... 1957 Hoyer Archtop - Sunburst.
Hoyer (Gitarren) - Wikipedi
Vince Gill Talks about Martin Sinker Mahogany Guitars at Gruhn Guitars. News Feed. Boutique Guitar Showcase 2020 Read More. Dave Kriezel Shows a Vintage 1836 Martin Guitar Read More. My Dream Guitar Read More. See More. Video Feed. See More. Connect with Us #gruhnguitars. Visit our Financing Partners. EXPERT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR . Our staff of eight repairmen sees that all instruments are. With each and every warranty claim the serial number (to be found on the leadpipe receiver) must be provided. Any repair must be approved by the manufacturer prior to being executed - or you risk voiding the warranty. For obvious reason, damages due to improper use of the instrument, lacking care and maintenance and unauthorized repairs are not covered by the manufacturer's warranty. Where.
From 1958 to 1961, Gibson branded guitars used a different numbering series than Epiphone. You know it's a Gibson if there is the letter A preceding the serial number found on the label of a hollow body model. Beginning with A1000 in 1958, this series goes to A4999 in 1961. Gibson And Epiphone Guitars - 1961 To 196 You will also find information about guitar serial numbers and year of manufacture of the most major brands: Fender, Gibson, Epiphone, Yamaha, Gretsch, Ibanez, Rickenbacker, Martin, Squier, Taylor, Jackson, PRS and Höfner. The serial number decoder also shows the year of construction and location of the guitar For sale at S, E (Made in Korea) S = Samick, E = Young Chang, E letter serial numbers were used on Young Chang's Fenix brand guitars. The S and E serial number prefix Korean Squiers are from the late 1980s/early 1990s. The first number following the prefix is the year. 6 or 7 digit number. The first guitars made in Korea are those with serial number written in silver E1 + 6 digits Examples: E1 + 6.
Enter the Serial Number that you are looking for in the box below the text Serial Number You can search for one serial number by typing in the EXACT serial number. (The search is not case sensitive, you can use lower or uppercase letters.) You can search for similar serial numbers by leaving off the final digit of a serial number. Hit the Search button to being your search of the database. This All Original Hoyer 12 String Is Among The Easiest Playing 12 Strings Ever, With Very Low Action, & Has Big Booming Volume & Tone. Why Hoyer Guitars Are So Overlooked In The Marketplace, Is A Mystery To Me. They Are Among The Best Built Acoustic Guitars In The World, From One Of The Great Guitar Manufacturers In Germany These guitars also come with a serial number of sorts, however these serial numbers are completely different and they follow a different nomenclature. One of the main differences is the fact that these serial numbers don't indicate the year of production. Instead, they just tell you which batch that guitar is from while the country of origin is usually written underneath. In order to figure. Fender Serial Dating. First, narrow it down by the country of origin. Serial dating is easiest for instruments made in the USA or Mexico, but is also possible for those made in Japan, Korea, China, and Indonesia. For US instruments, the serial number will start with a letter. That letter indicates the decade. S for 1970s; E for 1980s; N for. I have recently aquired an arnold hoyer six string acoustic guitar and would greatly apprieciate any info on it. There is a label inside it of a big star in which it says arnold hoyer next to this it says trade mark made in germany 90 years quality, under which it has the serial number 002413. It has an adjustable bridge and a bowed back. Click here to view the original discussion. Comment.
Below are the guitar serial numbers that have been registered with the Ovation Gallery website. Click on the buttons below to access the serial number registration lists per specific model type. Click HERE to add your Ovation or Adamas guitar to the serial number registration list. Required information is your screen name or nickname, guitar model name, model number and serial number. Squier Guitar Check (1982 - 2011) Serial number Serial Number should be 6-12 characters. Serial Number is require 1960s Hoyer 12-String (used in Spinout). Deborah Walley and Elvis in a scene from MGM's Spinout - 1966 Photo courtesy Dr. Macro's. One of the guitars Elvis was pictured using in several scenes of the 1966 release of MGM's Spinout was a mid '60s Hoyer 12 string Acoustic / Electric folk guitar, quite possibly an instrument from MGM's prop dept For example, serial number 07100091 indicates a guitar built in 2007 (07), in October of that year (10), and that it was the 91st guitar made that month (0091). Similarly, serial number 09050112 indicates the 112th guitar made during May 2009. Guitars Made From 2012-Present (Excluding G-Series) In mid/late 2012, US distributed Japanese-built guitars switched to the year designation that. Please select from the list below the design of your Lowden's label or Serial Number to find out more about your guitar. Serial No. 0-143, Rectangular light blue (occasionally white) Era- 1974-1980 Origin- High Street, Bangor, Co. Down, Northern Ireland These guitars were built 1974 to 1980 in the very first workshop in Bangor, Northern Ireland by a hand picked and personally trained team of 4.
The serial number can be found in the sound hole of the acoustic or on the back of the headstock on electrics. In most cases**, the first two numbers of the serial number are the year of manufacture. For example, if your guitar's serial number is 94000000, your guitar was made in 1994. You can look up the 1994 page, and locate your model. If a serial number is not present, the guitar was likely manufactured prior to the mid-1970s. Advertisement. Once located, the serial number offers clues as to when the guitar was manufactured, and the first few digits are especially important, as the numbers changed over a few decades. Aria guitars manufactured in the 1970s typically feature a serial number with the first two digits of the. Cort model serial numbers are usually found on the headstock of the guitar and can often be used to identify the date of manufacture. The most common current dating system has been in place since around 2000 and is YYMMXXXX. Thus, a serial number reading 02046572 means the guitar most likely manufactured in April 2002. In early 2005 Cort serial numbers gained an extra identification digit, and. Most guitar manufacturers put a serial number on each instrument they produce. This number can be used to date a guitar and in some cases tell where it was made. Serial numbers tend to be stamped or written somewhere on the headstock or neck joint of the guitar. On some acoustic guitars, the serial number is on the inside of the sound hole. Serial numbers are often at least four digits long. Serial numbers from 70' and 80's era Epiphone guitars made in Japan are not supported. The reason for this is that there is no reliable documentation from this time period. This Module has been updated to work with the newer serial number formats. Enter Serial Number eg. EE04091253 Extended Search For all Epiphone guitars made prior to 1971 as well as modern Made in America guitars.
Hoyer Guitars - Acoustic - Made in Europ
Martin serial number decoder Find the date of your Martin guitar You can use this tool to date any C.F Martin guitar from its serial number. It can accurately date any Martin guitar from 1898 to date. Earlier Martin guitars will be shown as pre-1898. I also have a tool to decode C.F. Martin mandolin serial numbers The serial number on Martin acoustic guitars is below the model designation on. Your guitar's serial number is found inside the sound hole and up sharply towards the neck block (see example on the right). First generation 03 Series serial numbers may also be ink stamped on a white label. If your serial number has 2 lines of numbers please enter only the bottom row to the lookup form below. The first line of numbers is your model number. In the event you are presented with.
Hoyer Guitars Bringing the past to the futur
- ing when your guitar was made (particularly helpful if there is no serial number).. Note: Any guitar with a serial number with the prefix SI is Indonesian-made. Note #2: Guitars with no serial number were produced at many different times. Samick branded models did not start using serials until around 1987
- ed by the letter prefix prior to the sequence of numbers that follow. Prefix Letter Year; IA: 2014: IB: 2015: IC: 2016: ID: 2017: IE: 2018: CTIA: 2018: CTIB: 2019: CTIB: 2020: CTID: 2021 : Acoustic Serial Numbers. The serial number of an acoustic is located on.
- The serialnumbers of LS and LC series guitars, produced in 1979/1990 and 1980/2000, start with the same first 2 digits. We can therefore rely on the visible differences on these models to identify them: Year Model TRC Headstock Tuners SerialNumber; 1979. LS: Les Paul Reborn. Bell. Open Book. 2-ring Tulip. 900xxxx. 1980. LS: Reborn Old. Bell. Open Book . 2-ring Tulip. 000xxxx. 1980. LS: Love.
- Serial Number Search Gibson Serial Numbers 1975-Present This section is designed to assist in dating and/or identifying instruments manufactured or distributed by Gibson Guitar Corp. Please note that most of this information relates to serial numbers used from 1975 to present. For more details on Gibson Serialization prior to 1975 and historical product specs, use your Gruhn's Guide or view.
- *1976 Serial numbers 259996-260020 were also used. **1991 C. F. Martin & Co. begins using one set of serial numbers for guitars & mandolins
How to Identify a Hondo Guitar Our Pastime
- In the beginning, Gretsch simply wrote serial numbers inside the guitar in pencil. These pencilled-in numbers often fade and become illegible, or even disappear. After World War II, some guitars had a serial number embossed on the head, but reliable numbers didn't really appear until the advent of the first labels, around 1949. Early labelled Gretsches will usually have a printed serial number.
- Certain guitar models built in the late 1970s can be used to demonstrate the old-style, six-digit serial numbers. It is estimated that Gibson's Kalamazoo plant continued to use the six-digit serial numbers through 1978 and 1979. So double check the serial numbers on those 1970s L-5s, Super 400s, and Super 5 BJBs!----
- For example, a guitar with the serial number ICJ1500001 was made in 2015. From 1987 to 1989, Jackson Custom Shop bolt-on-neck guitars were not assembled in strictly sequential serial number order. Due to a stamping machine error, for example, serial numbers 5234 to 5999 do not exist; these neck plates say Jackson, 4452 Airport Drive Ontario, CA 91761
SX guitars are widely famed as the best valued guitars unbeatable for the money Vintage Fender guitar serial number and vintage Fender guitar information at Greg's Vintage Guitars. Fender guitar and bass Serial numbers compiled from many sources including websites,databases, Gruhn, and Duchossoir. It should be clearly stated that Fender serial numbers ARE NOT definitively chronological. That is, there's lots of overlap. Serial numbers are also helpful in determining an instrument's production year. For years, serial numbers have been used in various locations on Fender instruments, such as the top of the neck plate, the front or back of the headstock and the back of the neck near the junction with the body. Serial numbers were stamped on the back vibrato cover plate on early '50s Stratocaster® guitars. There are a number of exceptions to all these serial number schemes. As mentioned above, many reissue models use serial numbers that don't really correlate to their age. Additionally, there have been plenty of artist models, limited editions and other rare models that use a unique serial number. Examples include the 35th anniversary series, many of the uniquely finished Strats from the early.
Vintage Guitars has been around since 1985. We know what professional guitar players want. Our authentic guitars combine the classic design of vintage guitars with the modern playability of newer ones. The retro look is combined with patented new hardware that gives you the best of both new and old worlds. Whether your preferred genre is rock. . I downloaded the latest update to Guitar Rig 5, . Guitar Rig 5 : Fails validation in Logic. Activation issue . But now it says me the serial number doesn't . link - rig 5 serial ,guitar rig 5 serial number ,guitar rig 5 serial keygen ,guitar rig 5 key ,guitar rig 5 keygen ,guitar rig 5 There are a number of possible locations for the serial number on a Fender guitar. These include the top of the neck plate, somewhere on the headstock, on the bridge plate or the back of the neck near the body. Enter the Fender's serial number and select if your guitar was made in USA, Japan, Mexico, Korea, Indonesia or China. Fender Serial Number: Please help improve this site by sharing on. These serial numbers are usually quite different from the MIJ numbers, have many extra digits because of the enormous volume of guitars produced, and I am not familiar enough with any of them to tell you how to figure out the dating. Cort Serial Numbers - Cort serial numbers are denoted with a C prefix followed by either 7 or 8 digits. I'm not.
Nagoya Suzuki used 2 systems of serial numbers , the most common is the 1970-1980 6 digit serial number with the first 2 digits being the build year , and the last 4 being the build number ie 771234 would be 1977# 1234 The second serial system is the Showa calendar ( emperor's reign ) - these may have been for the Japanese domestic market - The Showa serials can look like this 43.1.6 , 47 .12. Washburn Guitar Serial Number Database - Fender Indonesian Guitar Serial Numbers and dates. Dating Indonesian Made Fender Guitars & Basses from Fender moved production of some Fender-branded instruments from Korea to Indonesia in 2008 -the relational guitar-HOYER - SOLIST (multi-striped-top) The guitar had no name but have the number 29 as its model. As like shown above, the model 32 is very similer guitar, but it have a German-curved body with natural finish body. This 29 have the slab-board flat top body that wrapped (but only on top and back) with the red perloid material. The neck is a typical ultra-laminated.
identify charvel model, charvel models, charvel serial numbers, charvel serial number lookup, charvel guitar model I have a beautiful Hoyer vintage 12 string Guitar. The guitar was made in Germany in the late 50's early 60's and is elegantly crafted and is in excellent condition. It still has the original hardware and feature subtle complexities that prove it to be one of the hire grade guitars of this Hoyer line. It features a solid spruce top that displays the finishing cracks common to guitars made in. Vintage 1950's Hoyer Guitar Mandolin Stunning Cond . Vintage 1950's Hoyer Guitar Mandolin Stunning cosmetically the lacquer has cracked in several places and there is se damage to the back of the neck, see photos. This hoyer guitar has been used but still in a good condition and priced extremely well at 39 G&L serial numbers are non chronological for some unfortunate reason, so the best way to get aan approximation without checking body stamps is to go to guitarsbyleo and search by serial number a range of about 50 in either direction from yours and see what years come up. tjmicsak Member. Messages 5,573. Nov 4, 2008 #7 Bryan T said: Remove the neck and check the neck/body dates. Serial numbers.
Washburn has used many serial number formats over the years, ranging from 4-12 characters long. The year of manufacture can be deduced from the first few numerical characters in the serial number. Either the first 2 digits, or the first digit, are typically used to identify the year of manufacture. Washburn Guitars is an American manufacturer and importer of guitars, mandolins, and other. Hofner produces a large range of classical and acoustic guitars and an exciting range of electric guitars. Today we are the largest manufacturer of stringed instruments in Europe exporting products throughout the world through our extensive dealer network

Electric Reissued Series QualbeVintage 2020-07-29T12:48:03-04:00. It's true that the best guitars are built from the inside out, and Vintage enjoys a well-earned reputation for building great vintage electric guitars. Working with acknowledged guitar industry guru Trevor Wilkinson, Vintage has created a fantastic line-up of Wilkinson-equipped Vintage electric guitars and basses. Using Trev. The number on the inside label is the one that counts. The first 2 digits indicate year, the next 2 are the month, and the following numbers are the run series sequence. The neck block numbers follow some different pattern after the first four, which are often the same as those on the neckblock. Your Humble Administrato
Musikkeller herstelle

- read; Guitar Rig 5 Serial Number Keygen.
- Bass Number 47 Hoyer Eagle Prestige Bass HB 510. By TB | November 28, 2010 - 2:25 PM | November 28, 2010 Best Bass Guitar Reviews. Why is Terri smiling? Because she likes this bass. This is one of those instrument that you are just drawn to. Hoyer was founded in 1874 in a town that is now part of Czechoslovakia. In 1945 the company relocated to Germany and produced guitars there until it.
- Kühnl & Hoyer Musikinstrumentenfabrik GmbH. Neue Straße 27 91459 Markt Erlbach Germany. Phone +49 9106 5 3 Phone +49 9106 701 Fax +49 9106 6218. Show Room. In addition to the classic way which is through your local music dealer, there is another way to find your perfect instrument: Our show room in Markt Erlbach. Please contact us for an appointment! Sales via an.
- Official website of Aria Guitars Co. Leading in quality and excellence of electric, acoustic, bass, and classical guitars since 1965
Hoyer Guitar Serial Numbers List
Dating your guitar using the above Gibson serial numbers isn't always so cut and dry. If you can't figure out the date for yourself, then you can have your guitar appraised at almost any reputable music shop. Both Reverb and Guitar World offer appraisals, helping you identify when your instrument was made and how much it is currently worth UNDERSTANDING THE SERIAL NUMBER ON YOUR B.C. RICH GUITARS. When distribution came back to B.C. Rich in 1974, a system of serial number coding began using a 5-digit code (XXYYY) with the first 2 digits indicating the year and the last 3 indicating the production number. That would make the first guitar of 1974 to have been numbered 74000, followed by 74001, 74002, 74003, etc. Throughout the.
The Unique Guitar Blog: Hoyer Guitars
Cookies. You can set your cookie preferences using the toggles below. You can update your preferences, withdraw your consent at any time, and see a detailed description of the types of cookies we and our partners use in our Cookie Policy On some Telecaster guitars the serial number is found on the bridge plate between the pickup and the saddles. Fender neck dates from 1950 to today. From the production of the first solidbody Fender guitars and until 1976, Fender tagged a production date at the butt of the detachable neck of their guitars. Only about half the guitars still carry any intelligible information here. Below is a.
below, calculate the year of manufacture for your guitar. LETTER-TO-NUMBER Reference Chart Often, some of the letters in the serial numbers represent specific numbers that, in turn, stand for the month and year of manufacture. See the chart below for the code. P Q XYZ 1234 5678 9 SAMPLE Serial Number: IM705J 1991, July 10 11 1 Serial number search. Some documents containing personal data (e.g. certificates) are only visible when you log in. Log in to myVEGA to see all documents relating to your instrument. Register now. Where to find your serial number. On the back side of your device Inside your device On PLICSCOM menu under 'Information' In PACTware software Products; Downloads; Serial number search; Search. To find out the year your Martin was made look at the neck block on the inside of your guitar. (This is where the neck joins the body) The serial number should be printed there. Below is a list giving the last number Martin used for each year. YEAR - LAST NO. 1898 #8348 1899 #8716 1900 #9128 1901 #9310 1902 #9528 1903 #9810 1904 #9988 1905 #10120 1906 #10329 1907 #10727 1908 #10883 1909 #11018.
Hoyer Guitars - Wikipedi

Arnold Hoyer Guitar Serial Number
Both K. Yairi and early Alvarez Yairi models used the Emperor dating code...these are the numbers stamped on the heelblock of the guitar. There are a few exceptions, especially after 1999, when they started to change how they date them. So, some models during a span of a few years during the slow change over, will have both Emperor codes, and the new coding, which is that the first two numbers. Serial numbers can be of some help in narrowing down the possible guitar models available for any given year, but the most accurate method of making the determination, particularly on a guitar where the serial number is not known, is by looking at the woods, hardware, and headstock, and then seeing what models from what year fit that criteria. Serial number information for Carvin instruments. Before 1975, Greco guitars did not have a Serial Number. It is therefore the format of the logo, the serial of the pickups, the finish or the hardwares that can help determine the year of manufacture of the instrument. First format: 1975 - 1994 . Serial number contains a letter and six digits. For example, F761020 means: F = month (A = January, B = February F = June, L = December) 76. This website copies and uses content of our brand identity including text, pictures, videos and logo design of the HOYER Group. While it appears to be part of our company, all details, services and contacts do not originate from our company. Please note that the HOYER Group exclusively uses the domain Maybe you're buying a used guitar and want to run its serial number first. Maybe you're a guitar shop, and want to know if that trade-in is hot. Whatever the reason, we're here to help: is a free resource to register and track stolen guitars. It is run by tech-savvy people who love their guitars and hate the people who steal them. You can read more about the site here.
Generate Serial numbers. This tool can generate up to 250,000 unique random codes at a time. Not logged in, it's limited to 1000 codes per batch. If you own a Random Code Generator account, it can generate an unlimited amount of codes in batches of 250.000 each! The generated codes can be used for passwords, promotional codes, sweepstakes, serial numbers and much more 1965 Splendor SG803 Guitar. 1997 Squier Super Sonic (Vista Series) 1965 Suzuki E21T Guitar. 1967 Teisco DG-67 Guitar. 1968 Teisco EP200B Guitar. 1958 Teisco EP3 Guitar. 1968 Teisco EP9T Guitar . 1960s Teisco EP10T Guitar. 1969 Teisco EP11T Supreme Guitar. 1960s Teisco ET200 Guitar. 1970 Teisco ET200 Guitar. 1970 Teisco ET220 Guitar. 1964 Teisco ET-300 Guitar. 1964 Teisco ET320 Guitar. 1964.
Hoyer acoustic - Google Group
- e the year of production and verify any of the legendary Japanese made Charvel guitars, designed by Jackson Charvel and built by the Japanese Chushin Gakki factory back in 1986 through 1991. The guide.
- This finder expects serial numbers from guitars and basses manufactured in the San Luis Obispo, CA, USA facility. Unfortunately, this will not return details from Music Man Amps OLP or Sterling by Music Man instruments. Serial numbers will start with an uppercase letter followed by 5-6 numbers. Older instruments from the '70s and '80s will be all numeric, and will not be found by this finder.
- Craft series. EMPIRE-ASH DX/R. Handmade series. WL4DX-ASH II. Craft series. WL-434S FM-ALD. Global series. BJB-360R-SP. Universe series. WL4RR-STD-BRS/M. Craft series. T-CUSTOM・FT/M. Handmade series . BST-2-RSM/M . Universe series. View more >> Latest Videos. WL5-ASH/RSM. WL4-ASH/RSM. H.J.Freaks Signature Model - Detailed explanation (Subbed) View more >> Contact us. Couldn't find what you.
German-Guitars (Guitarsite
- Hi all I know Ibanez ones do, but how about with Deans? And if they do identify date of manufacture, how do you work it out form the number? Cheers Ma..
- The serial number on most Fender guitars and basses is usually located on the back of the headstock or neckplate. Serial numbers for acoustics can most often be found inside the sound hole. The serial number on most Fender amplifiers can be found on the back of the cabinet or chassis
- Oct 31, 2016 - Explore kelleydistribut's board Eko Guitars on Pinterest. Series 12String Dreadnought Acoustic Gu Series 12String Dreadnought Acoustic Gu All Post
- istration (m/w/d.
- Serial number on a 1956 Epiphone acoustic guitar. Serial Numbers, 1951 to 1956, acoustic and electric guitars. The last known New York-made Epiphone was serial number 69637 (Epi Zephyr). Year Number Range---- ----- 1951 60000 to 63999 1952 64000 to 64999 1953 64000 to 66999 1954 67000 to 67999 1955 68000 to 68999 1956 69000 to 69999 Ink stamped serial number on a 1959 model solidbody. Gibson.
Guitar Rig 5 Serial generator EVERGON 2013, use it to full activate your product !. Native Instruments Guitar Rig 1 0 0 2 key code generator · Native Instruments G Native Instruments Guitar Rig 1 0 0 2 key code generator · Native Instruments Serial Numbers & Datin Diese Squier-Gitarre wäre aus dem Jahr 2002 und bei Samick in Indonesien als Nummer 123456 hergestellt worden. Indische Fender Squier-Seriennummern 1989/ 90. Für nur ein Jahr gab es einige Fender Squier II, die aus Indien kamen. Die Seriennummern fehlen oft, weil sie nur als Aufkleber an der Halsrückseite angebracht waren. Sie folgten wohl dem System von Fender USA. Eine Seriennummer sähe. Many vintage guitar owners value guitar dating and guitar serial number data to date their electric and acoustic guitars. A website about Vantage MIJ Guitars. - a guitarbrand from Matsumoku Industrial in Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan. The History of Matsumoku. The Vantage Timeframe. Hi I have a recent purchase, its a 6 string, Vantage,Model -VF110, Serial number 11186. Made in Japan, this is.
Die Höfnering (collecting Hofner vintage guitars), Part One.By Stephen Candib, 1995-1997, used by permission. (Steve is a friend of mine with very unusualvintage guitar tastes. His article on this lesser-known brand of vintage guitarsappears here as a special feature. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any strangeHofner questions, feel free to email him, and not me! - VGI editor -).
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Hoyer Guitar Serial Numbers Generator
- Introduction.
- Guitar collectors may be a motley crew, but most are interested in the samebrands and the same gear - Fender, Gibson, Marshall, Martin, blah, blah.It's a combination of the 'icons of pop culture' thing and the herdmentality. As a result, less mainstream brands have remained in the coolshadow of obscurity, pleasantly affordable and oh so mysterious.
That's ok, because it leaves plenty of room for the contrarians among us,who prefer shadow to sunlight, who gravitate to the vastly less expensivepursuit of stuff that doesn't say Fender or Gibson. It's not that we'recheap or never pursued careers in dentistry (all of which is, sadly, true).It's just that collecting cheap, goofy guitar stuff is still a heck of a lotof fun, compared to verifying the lineage of potentially re-topped 1959 LesPaul Standards at many thousands of dollars a crack. Besides, my assets are all tied up inEurobonds and Brazilian time-shares.
My contrarian approach embraces Hofner archtop guitars. They're cool,they're cheap, and they're big fun. And we knowledge professionals know ofthe long-standing relationship between German and American guitarmaking:Martin, Rickenbacher, Gretsch, Rossmeisl, and Bill Lawrence are just some ofthe German names in the American guitar pantheon (the guitardome).
Hofner is one of several European (mostly German) companies that builtguitars in the post-war years. These included Framus, Hoyer, Hopf, Klira anda bunch of others, including some great custom builders. Many of thesecompanies shared parts from the same suppliers. One sees the sametailpieces, bridges, tuners, inlay, and the like. By the late fifties mostof these companies had broad product lines to rival Gibson.
- Hofner used a simple numbering system for model identification. In arch-topterms, these ranged from the lowly 449 up to the mother-of-pearl-encrusted471. Even though they changed the system around a bit over the years, theirmodel numbers still provide a great frame of reference. More on this anothertime. They used the same approach as many American makers: the more crap youcan put onto the same basic guitar, the more money you can charge for it.
Most of these guitars are pretty much the same size as a Gibson ES175’s orL-4’s, with varying depths (Hofner started doing thinlines, copying Americanstyles, in the late 1950's). They vary in terms of details, but the basicguitars are the same. As the model numbers get higher, the laminated woodgets nicer and nicer, the amount of plastic and mother of luncheonetteincreases, and the hardware gets fancier. They also made a few bigger modelsin a size similar to Gibson ES350’s or L-5’s. And they made smallerarchtops, like the 'Club' guitars, which are sort of like ES140T’s or GuildAristocrat M-75’s.
- In North America, they are pleasantly rare, so the thrill of the hunt ispart of the appeal. They never made a dent in the US, and by the time theygot US distribution figured out, their prices were totally uncompetitive. In1968, an electric 470 listed for US$695 through Sorkin.
Old Hofners in the U.S. are often from England, where Selmer distributed theline. Hofner tweaked a few of its models a bit, put in the odd customfeature, so that the Brits got the Congress (sorta like the 449), theSenator (sorta like the 455), the President (sorta like the 457), theCommittee (sorta like the 468), the Golden Hofner (sorta like the 470)...and so forth. They introduced the Ambassador later on, but the idea waswearing thin. Too bad they never got to the Whip or the First Lady.
Canada is good Hofner-hunting ground, perhaps because the heavy tariffs onAmerican guitars imported to Canada made Hofner more competitive bycomparison. Dealers such as Wilfer in Montreal, and Remenyi and Heinl inToronto, sold Hofners for years.
- The smaller bodied, L-4/ES175 sized archtops like the 456 or 457 make greatelectric guitars for the very reason they are not brilliant acousticarchtops: they have tons of top and middle, cut like hell, and have no bass(except what you dial in). The acoustic versions are also very loud. Thebigger, L-5 sized archtops sound pretty good acoustically, as well aselectrically, because the larger body size adds a fair bit of bassresonance. Their pick-ups and electronics were not great, but are easily totweak or replace.
- Given the juvenile bent of guitar dealers and writers to make comparisonsbetween instruments ... let's do it! What can we really compare them to inAmerican terms? The first thing to remember is that Hofner themselvesconfused the issue: their good acoustic archtops were supposed to havecarved tops, with laminate tops on the same models as electric guitars.Typically, they screwed up: they often released high-end acoustic archtopswith laminate tops, or made the carved-top ones into electrics. Oops!
Most of their guitars were all-laminate construction, although specifichigher-end models did come with carved spruce tops (bad translations call it'pine', or 'bohemian pine', but that just doesn't wash among us informationworkers. As the Rice Krispies guy says - what the heck didja think it wasmade with?). Unlike Gibson, whose laminates are heavy and have grain withnegligible aesthetic qualities, Hofner's laminates are very light-weight andusually use lovely flamed maple, even in the cheaper models. The lack ofmass makes their guitars responsive and acoustically loud. Following thediscontinuation of the Gibson Tal Farlow, it took years, until theintroduction of the ES775 and ES165, for Gibson to use pretty plywood. Sure,the reissued ES350T (with full-scale neck) in the 70's was a step in theright direction, but no one even noticed it, coming as it did in the depthsof Gibson's, ahem... 'dark period'.
In one sense, the 468/Committee electrics may be compared to Gibson'sES5/Switchmaster/ES350/Tal Farlow model (all the same guitar): pretty wood,all laminate, 17.5' bottom bout, deep-dish big jazz boxers. The smallerguitars can pretty much be compared to Gibson's ES175 if they have laminatetops, and to the Gibson L-4 if they have carved tops.
Hofner either had some very perverse notions related to build quality orliked to fool its customers, because the undersides of many of the tops alsoshow spruce grain. Mere mortals might assume that such instruments havesolid wood tops, but detailed goofoid spasticological investigation revealsthat such tops are often laminates, cleverly disguised as solid tops. It'shard to tell the difference at first glance, but tone (or its absence) doesnot lie.
Collecting Hofners is not a random choice. It's not as if I might just aseasily focused on Hopf or Hoyer. Having seen and played many German guitarsover the years, I think Hofner was the only large-scale German shop with adecent aesthetic vocabulary when it came to proportion and scale.
In general, Hopf, Hoyer, Klira and Framus all settled in on a cartoon guitargestalt. It's as if they were copying American guitars, but they were reallydrunk that day. Many of their designs are just plain ugly (even a guitarwith a shape as cool as Framus' Strato-Melody series was built to suggestcheesiness). This is not to say that these other companies didn’t make somegreat guitars. For example, unlike Hofner, Hoyer did build some fabulousall-solid wood arch-top guitars.
Hofner guitars are in a different aesthetic league. Their proportions arequite elegant for their small and large-body archtops, both cutaway andnon-cutaway. They draw on the best proportions of Gibson, Epiphone andStromberg. This kind of aesthetic balance is not rare: many good guitarshave it, and it is easier to notice those that have missed the boat thanthose that have nailed it. For instance, Fender and Gibson solidbodiesusually have it; Guild solidbodies never had it. Paul Reed Smith has totallynailed it; Joe Lado just keeps swinging.
The other thing is the necks: most of them are great big bats of wood, witha beautiful 'c' profile: just the kind of thing to make Jeff Beck proud. Andwith a manly 25.5' scale length on almost all of these instruments, skinnyshortscale wanker neck syndrome is avoided.
Perhaps the best thing about Hofners is the way the necks are attached tothe bodies. Until to late 60's, Hofner used a tapered mortice joint, withno dovetail. This kind of joint tends to creep with time, given string pulland exposure to humidity. Old Hofners almost always require neck resets,which are incredibly easy to do as a result of the simple joint. Hey, a neckreset every thirty years keeps the doctor away ... and keeps prices nice andlow, where I like them.
- Now that the supply of vintage American instruments is being outstripped bydemand, the deus ex machina is turning its attentions elsewhere: Guild isstill waving its hand frantically, trying to get noticed, Davoli's arestarting to cost money, and everything from Teisco to Weissenborn toMicro-Frets is being thrown into the maw, the ever widening gyre. Hofnersare beginning to get noticed.
There are three books out that deal substantially with Hofners:'Elektro-Gitarren Made In Germany', by Norbert Schnepel and Helmuth Lemme,'The Hofner Guitar - A History', by Gordon Giltrap and Neville Marten, and awonderful new book, 'Hofner Guitars Made in Germany', by Michael Naglav.There must be some serious European-based collectors out there, and thesebooks are a great source, but there are still a lot of missing pieces to thepuzzle. These books support the idea that no one knows too much aboutHofner. Giltrap's book includes an interview with Christian Benker (whomarried into Hofner and worked there for many years) that is laughablyvague. The real questions still aren't answered, like who designed theseguitars, and how many of each model were built. Surely this information mustexist, and now that Hofner has been sold to Boosey & Hawkes, who cares aboutold guitar statistics for models that no longer exist (ie. all of them)?
- As previously mentioned, there were several Selmer model Hofners that werebasically the same as German models. Listed are some notes on German modelsfrom the late fifties/early sixties, with an indication of the parallelSelmer models. Because the Germans used model numbers instead of names, anddid not use serial numbers on non-export instruments, figuring out whenchanges were made to specific models, or when models were added ordiscontinued, is difficult without reference to old catalogues from specificyears. Even then, Hofner took a page from Gibson and loaded its catalogueswith a combination of puffery and vagueness which leads one to believe thattheir prime motive was to drive future guitar history buffs to distraction.
Here is a listing of Hofner hollow-body archtop guitar models. This does notinclude 'Club' or 'Verithin' guitars, just straight-ahead jazz boxes.
Hofner archtop guitars evolved from the mid 50's to the mid 60's, parrotingtrends in North America. Hardware such as tuners, pickups and wiringharnesses became better, but lost much of their charm in the process. Aswell, several things happened over time to make some model features overlap.Hofner replaced big mother of toilet seat block markers with dot markers onsome guitars, changed some of its binding schemes, altered models slightlyfor export, and were generally up to no good when the foreman was not looking.- Finally, I can only tip my hat in awe to any company confused enough tobuild its guitars with beautiful flamed maple laminates, attach its guitarpickguards with common finishing nails, and load its istruments with enoughcarefully inlaid mother of toilet-seat to furnish the lobby of a Miami Beachhotel.
Go to Part 3, Specific Model Info, models 449 thru 459.
Go to Part 4, Specific Model Info, models 460 thru 470/S.
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