The IndUni fonts are OpenType fonts designed to allow the representation of Indian-language (and similar) material in Roman script using the Unicode character set. Nakula and Sahadeva are two TrueType/OpenType Unicode Devanagari fonts. Both contain all the conjuncts and other ligatures (including Vedic accents) likely to be needed by Sanskritists.
- Pali Font Needed For Mac Catalina
- Pali Font For Mac
- Pali Font Needed For Macs
- Pali Font Needed For Mac Os
- Pali Font Needed For Macbook Pro
The following fonts are installed and enabled automatically by macOS Catalina. Additional fonts are available for download or as needed by your document or app. New or updated fonts may be added over time. This list is current as of 24 April 2020.
- Al Bayan Bold 13.0d1e6
- Al Bayan Plain 13.0d1e6
- Al Nile 13.0d2e2
- Al Nile Bold 13.0d2e2
- Al Tarikh Regular 13.0d2e1
- American Typewriter 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Bold 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed Bold 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Condensed Light 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Light 13.0d1e4
- American Typewriter Semibold 13.0d1e4
- Andale Mono Version 2.00x
- Apple Braille 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot 13.0d2e27
- Apple Chancery 13.0d1e4
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Bold 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Light 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Regular 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo SemiBold 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD Gothic Neo UltraLight 13.0d1e9
- Apple SD GothicNeo ExtraBold 13.0d1e9
- Apple Symbols 15.0d1e2
- AppleGothic Regular 13.0d1e3
- AppleMyungjo Regular 13.0d1e6
- Arial Version 5.01.2x
- Arial Black Version 5.00.1x
- Arial Bold Version 5.01.2x
- Arial Bold Italic Version 5.00.2x
- Arial Hebrew 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Bold 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Light 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Bold 13.0d1e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Light 13.0d1e1
- Arial Italic Version 5.00.2x
- Arial Narrow Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold Italic Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Italic Version 2.38.1x
- Arial Rounded MT Bold Version 1.51x
- Arial Unicode MS Version 1.01x
- Avenir Black 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Black Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Book 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Book Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Heavy 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Heavy Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Light 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Light Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Medium 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Medium Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Next Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Regular 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Demi Bold 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Heavy 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Heavy Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Medium 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Medium Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Regular 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Ultra Light 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Next Ultra Light Italic 13.0d1e10
- Avenir Oblique 13.0d3e1
- Avenir Roman 13.0d3e1
- Ayuthaya 13.0d1e7
- Baghdad Regular 13.0d1e5
- Bangla MN 14.0d1e2
- Bangla MN Bold 14.0d1e2
- Bangla Sangam MN 14.0d1e1
- Bangla Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e1
- Baskerville 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Bold 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Bold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville Italic 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville SemiBold 13.0d1e10
- Baskerville SemiBold Italic 13.0d1e10
- Beirut Regular 13.0d1e6
- Big Caslon Medium 13.0d1e11
- Bodoni 72 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni Ornaments 13.0d2e1
- Bradley Hand Bold 14.0d0e1
- Brush Script MT Italic Version 1.52x-1
- Chalkboard 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard Bold 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Bold 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Light 13.0d1e2
- Chalkboard SE Regular 13.0d1e2
- Chalkduster 13.0d2e1
- Charter Black 14.0d2e1
- Charter Black Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Bold 14.0d2e1
- Charter Bold Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Italic 14.0d2e1
- Charter Roman 14.0d2e1
- Cochin 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Bold 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Cochin Italic 13.0d2e1
- Comic Sans MS Version 5.00x
- Comic Sans MS Bold Version 5.00x
- Copperplate 13.0d1e2
- Copperplate Bold 13.0d1e2
- Copperplate Light 13.0d1e2
- Corsiva Hebrew 13.0d1e4
- Corsiva Hebrew Bold 13.0d1e4
- Courier 13.0d1e1
- Courier Bold 13.0d1e1
- Courier Bold Oblique 13.0d1e1
- Courier New Version 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold Version 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold Italic Version 5.00x
- Courier New Italic Version 5.00.1x
- Courier Oblique 13.0d1e1
- DIN Alternate Bold 13.0d3e2
- DIN Condensed Bold 14.0d1e1
- Damascus Bold 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Light 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Medium 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Regular 13.0d3e9
- Damascus Semi Bold 13.0d3e9
- DecoType Naskh Regular 14.0d0e1
- Devanagari MT 13.0d1e3
- Devanagari MT Bold 13.0d1e3
- Devanagari Sangam MN 14.0d1e12
- Devanagari Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e12
- Didot 13.0d1e3
- Didot Bold 13.0d1e3
- Didot Italic 13.0d1e3
- Diwan Kufi Regular 13.0d2e1
- Diwan Thuluth Regular 13.0d1e5
- Euphemia UCAS 13.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Bold 13.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Italic 13.0d1e2
- Farah Regular 13.0d2e3
- Farisi Regular 13.0d1e3
- Futura Bold 13.0d1e3
- Futura Condensed ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- Futura Condensed Medium 13.0d1e3
- Futura Medium 13.0d1e3
- Futura Medium Italic 13.0d1e3
- GB18030 Bitmap 13.0d1e1
- Galvji 14.0d1e3
- Galvji Bold 14.0d1e3
- Galvji Bold Oblique 14.0d1e3
- Galvji Oblique 14.0d1e3
- Geeza Pro Bold 14.0d1e4
- Geeza Pro Regular 14.0d1e4
- Geneva 13.0d2e1
- Georgia Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold Italic Version 5.00x-4
- Georgia Italic Version 5.00x-4
- Gill Sans 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Bold 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Light 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans Light Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans SemiBold 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans SemiBold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Gill Sans UltraBold 13.0d1e4
- Gujarati MT 13.0d1e2
- Gujarati MT Bold 13.0d1e2
- Gujarati Sangam MN 14.0d2e1
- Gujarati Sangam MN Bold 14.0d2e1
- Gurmukhi MN 14.0d4e2
- Gurmukhi MN Bold 14.0d4e2
- Gurmukhi MT 13.0d1e4
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN 14.0d3e1
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold 14.0d3e1
- Heiti SC Light 13.0d1e1
- Heiti SC Medium 13.0d1e1
- Heiti TC Light 13.0d1e1
- Heiti TC Medium 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica 15.0d1e3
- Helvetica Bold 15.0d1e3
- Helvetica Bold Oblique 15.0d1e3
- Helvetica Light 15.0d1e3
- Helvetica Light Oblique 15.0d1e3
- Helvetica Neue 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Bold 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Bold Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Light 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Light Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Medium 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Medium Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Thin 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue Thin Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic 15.0d1e1
- Helvetica Oblique 15.0d1e3
- Herculanum 13.0d1e2
- Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4 15.0d1e2
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W3 15.0d1e2
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W6 15.0d1e2
- Hiragino Sans GB W3 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans GB W6 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans W0 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W1 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W2 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W3 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W4 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W5 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W6 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W7 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W8 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Sans W9 15.0d1e3
- Hoefler Text 14.0d1e2
- Hoefler Text Black 14.0d1e2
- Hoefler Text Black Italic 14.0d1e2
- Hoefler Text Italic 14.0d1e2
- Hoefler Text Ornaments 14.0d1e2
- ITF Devanagari Bold 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Book 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Demi 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Light 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Bold 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Book 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Demi 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Light 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Medium 14.0d3e6
- ITF Devanagari Medium 14.0d3e6
- Impact Version 5.00x
- InaiMathi 13.0d1e5
- InaiMathi Bold 13.0d1e5
- Kailasa Bold 13.0d1e3
- Kailasa Regular 13.0d1e3
- Kannada MN 14.0d1e6
- Kannada MN Bold 14.0d1e6
- Kannada Sangam MN 14.0d2e4
- Kannada Sangam MN Bold 14.0d2e4
- Kefa Bold 13.0d1e3
- Kefa Regular 13.0d1e3
- Khmer MN 14.0d1e1
- Khmer MN Bold 14.0d1e1
- 52634 free fonts in 25734 families. Download high quality free fonts for Windows, Mac and Linux. Commercial and personal use licenses available.
- This is because the OpenType font has all of the necessary components for Mac and Windows — the.AFM file for Mac, and then the.PFB and.PFM files for Windows. That said, an OpenType font can essentially be copied over and installed from platform to platform as you please.
- ER Bukinist Mac font. ER Bukinist 866. Khmer OS Muol Pali font. So other users need a bit of help. If you recognize the font from the samples posted.
- Description: The expert fontdesigner Ulrich Stiehl has been so kind to create this font for the Buddhist Publication Society. It has all English, French, and German characters, besides the transliteration characters needed for Pali, Classical Sanskrit and Sinhala. Transliteration Fonts for PC and Mac.
- Khmer Sangam MN 14.0d1e9
- Kohinoor Bangla 14.0d2e3
- Kohinoor Bangla Bold 14.0d2e3
- Kohinoor Bangla Light 14.0d2e3
- Kohinoor Bangla Medium 14.0d2e3
- Kohinoor Bangla Semibold 14.0d2e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Bold 14.0d5e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Light 14.0d5e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Medium 14.0d5e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Regular 14.0d5e3
- Kohinoor Devanagari Semibold 14.0d5e3
- Kohinoor Gujarati Bold 14.0d2e16
- Kohinoor Gujarati Light 14.0d2e16
- Kohinoor Gujarati Medium 14.0d2e16
- Kohinoor Gujarati Regular 14.0d2e16
- Kohinoor Gujarati Semibold 14.0d2e16
- Kohinoor Telugu 14.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Telugu Bold 14.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Telugu Light 14.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Telugu Medium 14.0d1e3
- Kohinoor Telugu Semibold 14.0d1e3
- Kokonor Regular 13.0d1e3
- Krungthep 14.0d1e1
- KufiStandardGK Regular 13.0d1e11
- Lao MN 14.0d1e9
- Lao MN Bold 14.0d1e9
- Lao Sangam MN 14.0d1e6
- Lucida Grande 15.0d1e1
- Lucida Grande Bold 15.0d1e1
- Luminari 13.0d1e2
- Malayalam MN 14.0d1e6
- Malayalam MN Bold 14.0d1e6
- Malayalam Sangam MN 14.0d4e6
- Malayalam Sangam MN Bold 14.0d4e6
- Marker Felt Thin 13.0d1e11
- Marker Felt Wide 13.0d1e11
- Menlo Bold 14.0d1e1
- Menlo Bold Italic 14.0d1e1
- Menlo Italic 14.0d1e1
- Menlo Regular 14.0d1e1
- Microsoft Sans Serif Version 5.00.1x
- Mishafi Gold Regular 13.0d2e1
- Mishafi Regular 13.0d2e1
- Monaco 15.0d1e2
- Mshtakan 14.0d1e1
- Mshtakan Bold 14.0d1e1
- Mshtakan BoldOblique 14.0d1e1
- Mshtakan Oblique 14.0d1e1
- MuktaMahee Bold 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee ExtraBold 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee ExtraLight 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee Light 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee Medium 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee Regular 14.0d1e18
- MuktaMahee SemiBold 14.0d1e18
- Muna Black 13.0d1e4
- Muna Bold 13.0d1e4
- Muna Regular 13.0d1e4
- Myanmar MN 14.0d1e2
- Myanmar MN Bold 14.0d1e2
- Myanmar Sangam MN 14.0d1e8
- Myanmar Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e8
- Nadeem Regular 13.0d1e3
- New Peninim MT 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Bold 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Bold Inclined 13.0d1e4
- New Peninim MT Inclined 13.0d1e4
- Noteworthy Bold 13.0d1e11
- Noteworthy Light 13.0d1e11
- Noto Nastaliq Urdu 14.0d2e19
- Noto Nastaliq Urdu Bold 14.0d2e19
- Noto Sans Javanese Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Kannada Black 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada Bold 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada ExtraBold 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada ExtraLight 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada Light 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada Medium 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada Regular 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada SemiBold 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Kannada Thin 14.0d1e7
- Noto Sans Myanmar Black 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar Bold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar ExtraBold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar ExtraLight 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar Light 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar Medium 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar Regular 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar SemiBold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Myanmar Thin 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Oriya 14.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Oriya Bold 14.0d1e2
- Noto Serif Myanmar Black 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar Bold 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar ExtraBold 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar ExtraLight 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar Light 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar Medium 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar Regular 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar SemiBold 14.0d1e5
- Noto Serif Myanmar Thin 14.0d1e5
- Optima Bold 13.0d1e2
- Optima Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Optima ExtraBlack 13.0d1e2
- Optima Italic 13.0d1e2
- Optima Regular 13.0d1e2
- Oriya MN 14.0d1e6
- Oriya MN Bold 14.0d1e6
- Oriya Sangam MN 14.0d1e2
- Oriya Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e2
- PT Mono 13.0d2e4
- PT Mono Bold 13.0d2e4
- PT Sans 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Bold Italic 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Caption 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Caption Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Italic 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Narrow 13.0d3e2
- PT Sans Narrow Bold 13.0d3e2
- PT Serif 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Bold 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Caption 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Caption Italic 13.0d2e1
- PT Serif Italic 13.0d2e1
- Palatino 15.0d2e2
- Palatino Bold 15.0d2e2
- Palatino Bold Italic 15.0d2e2
- Palatino Italic 15.0d2e2
- Papyrus 13.0d1e2
- Papyrus Condensed 13.0d1e2
- Phosphate Inline 13.0d1e2
- Phosphate Solid 13.0d1e2
- PingFang HK Light 15.0d2e5
- PingFang HK Medium 15.0d2e5
- PingFang HK Regular 15.0d2e5
- PingFang HK Semibold 15.0d2e5
- PingFang HK Thin 15.0d2e5
- PingFang HK Ultralight 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Light 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Medium 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Regular 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Semibold 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Thin 15.0d2e5
- PingFang SC Ultralight 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Light 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Medium 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Regular 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Semibold 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Thin 15.0d2e5
- PingFang TC Ultralight 15.0d2e5
- Plantagenet Cherokee 13.0d1e3
- Raanana 13.0d1e3
- Raanana Bold 13.0d1e3
- Rockwell 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Bold 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Rockwell Italic 13.0d2e1
- STIXGeneral-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-BoldItalic Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Italic Version 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Italic Version 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Bold Version 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Regular Version 1.1.0
- STSong 14.0d0e1
- Sana Regular 13.0d1e4
- Sathu 14.0d1e1
- Savoye LET Plain:1.0 13.0d2e4
- Shree Devanagari 714 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold Italic 13.0d2e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Italic 13.0d2e1
- SignPainter-HouseScript 14.0d1e1
- SignPainter-HouseScript Semibold 14.0d1e1
- Silom 14.0d1e1
- Sinhala MN 14.0d1e1
- Sinhala MN Bold 14.0d1e1
- Sinhala Sangam MN 14.0d1e2
- Sinhala Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e2
- Skia Black 13.0d1e54
- Skia Black Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Black Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Bold 13.0d1e54
- Skia Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light Condensed 13.0d1e54
- Skia Light Extended 13.0d1e54
- Skia Regular 13.0d1e54
- Snell Roundhand 15.0d1e1
- Snell Roundhand Black 15.0d1e1
- Snell Roundhand Bold 15.0d1e1
- Songti SC Black 14.0d0e1
- Songti SC Bold 14.0d0e1
- Songti SC Light 14.0d0e1
- Songti SC Regular 14.0d0e1
- Songti TC Bold 14.0d0e1
- Songti TC Light 14.0d0e1
- Songti TC Regular 14.0d0e1
- Sukhumvit Set Bold 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Light 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Medium 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Semi Bold 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Text 13.0d1e6
- Sukhumvit Set Thin 13.0d1e6
- Symbol 13.0d2e2
- Tahoma Version 5.01.2x
- Tahoma Bold Version 5.01.1x
- Tamil MN 14.0d1e7
- Tamil MN Bold 14.0d1e7
- Tamil Sangam MN 14.0d1e15
- Tamil Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e15
- Telugu MN 14.0d1e2
- Telugu MN Bold 14.0d1e2
- Telugu Sangam MN 14.0d1e4
- Telugu Sangam MN Bold 14.0d1e4
- Thonburi 13.0d1e1
- Thonburi Bold 13.0d1e1
- Thonburi Light 13.0d1e1
- Times Bold 15.0d2e1
- Times Bold Italic 15.0d2e1
- Times Italic 15.0d2e1
- Times New Roman Version 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold Version 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold Italic Version 5.00.3x
- Times New Roman Italic Version 5.00.3x
- Times Roman 15.0d2e1
- Trattatello 13.0d2e2
- Trebuchet MS Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold Italic Version 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Italic Version 5.00x
- Verdana Version 5.01x
- Verdana Bold Version 5.01x
- Verdana Bold Italic Version 5.01x
- Verdana Italic Version 5.01x
- Waseem Light 13.0d1e2
- Waseem Regular 13.0d1e2
- Webdings Version 5.00x
- Wingdings Version 5.00x
- Wingdings 2 Version 1.55x
- Wingdings 3 Version 1.55x
- Zapf Dingbats 13.0d1e2
- Zapfino 13.0d1e2
Fonts available for download in Catalina
To download and enable any of these fonts:
- Open Font Book, which is in your Applications folder.
- Select All Fonts in the sidebar, or use the Search field to find the font that you want to download. Fonts that aren't already downloaded appear dimmed in the list of fonts.
- Select the dimmed font and choose Edit > Download, or Control-click it and choose Download from the pop-up menu.
- Apple LiGothic Medium 13.0d2e6
- Apple LiSung Light 13.0d1e2
- BM DoHyeon OTF 14.0d1e4
- BM HANNA 11yrs old OTF 14.0d1e2
- BM HANNA Air OTF 14.0d1e1
- BM HANNA Pro OTF 14.0d1e1
- BM JUA OTF 14.0d1e1
- BM YEONSUNG OTF 14.0d1e1
- Baloo Bhai Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Bhaijaan Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Bhaina Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Chettan Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Da Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Paaji Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Tamma Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Tammudu Regular Version 1.443
- Baloo Thambi Regular Version 1.443
- Baoli SC Regular 13.0d3e1
- Baoli TC Regular 13.0d3e1
- BiauKai 13.0d1e2
- Cambay Devanagari Bold Version 1.095
- Cambay Devanagari Bold Oblique Version 1.005
- Cambay Devanagari Oblique Version 1.018
- Cambay Devanagari Regular Version 1.180
- Canela Bold 15.0d1e14
- Canela Bold Italic 15.0d1e14
- Canela Deck Bold 15.0d1e4
- Canela Deck Bold Italic 15.0d1e4
- Canela Deck Medium 15.0d1e4
- Canela Deck Medium Italic 15.0d1e4
- Canela Deck Regular 15.0d1e4
- Canela Deck Regular Italic 15.0d1e4
- Canela Regular 15.0d1e14
- Canela Regular Italic 15.0d1e14
- Canela Text Bold 15.0d1e5
- Canela Text Bold Italic 15.0d1e5
- Canela Text Medium 15.0d1e5
- Canela Text Medium Italic 15.0d1e5
- Canela Text Regular 15.0d1e5
- Canela Text Regular Italic 15.0d1e5
- Domaine Display 14.0d1e3
- Domaine Display Bold 14.0d1e3
- Domaine Display Bold Italic 14.0d1e3
- Domaine Display Italic 14.0d1e3
- Domaine Display Medium 14.0d1e3
- Domaine Display Medium Italic 14.0d1e3
- Founders Grotesk 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Bold 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Bold Italic 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Condensed 15.0d1e3
- Founders Grotesk Condensed Bold 15.0d1e3
- Founders Grotesk Condensed Semibold 15.0d1e3
- Founders Grotesk Light 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Light Italic 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Medium 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Medium Italic 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Regular Italic 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Semibold 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Semibold Italic 15.0d1e4
- Founders Grotesk Text 15.0d1e2
- Founders Grotesk Text Bold 15.0d1e2
- Founders Grotesk Text Bold Italic 15.0d1e2
- Founders Grotesk Text Regular Italic 15.0d1e2
- Gotu Version 1.000
- Graphik 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Bold 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Bold Italic 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Compact Bold 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Bold Italic 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Medium 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Medium Italic 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Regular 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Regular Italic 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Semibold 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Compact Semibold Italic 15.0d1e4
- Graphik Light 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Light Italic 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Medium 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Medium Italic 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Regular Italic 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Semibold 15.0d1e6
- Graphik Semibold Italic 15.0d1e6
- GungSeo Regular 13.0d1e3
- Hannotate SC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate TC Bold 13.0d2e1
- Hannotate TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- HanziPen SC Bold 14.0d1e1
- HanziPen SC Regular 14.0d1e1
- HanziPen TC Bold 14.0d1e1
- HanziPen TC Regular 14.0d1e1
- HeadLineA Regular 13.0d3e1
- Hei Regular 13.0d1e4
- Hiragino Sans CNS W3 13.0d2e3
- Hiragino Sans CNS W6 13.0d2e3
- Jaini Version 1.001
- Jaini Purva Version 1.001
- Kai Regular 13.0d1e2
- Kaiti SC Black 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti SC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti SC Regular 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Black 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Kaiti TC Regular 13.0d2e2
- Klee Demibold 15.0d1e1
- Klee Medium 15.0d1e1
- Lahore Gurmukhi Bold 14.0d6e1
- Lahore Gurmukhi Light 14.0d6e1
- Lahore Gurmukhi Medium 14.0d6e1
- Lahore Gurmukhi Regular 14.0d6e1
- Lahore Gurmukhi SemiBold 14.0d6e1
- Lantinghei SC Demibold 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei SC Extralight 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei SC Heavy 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei TC Demibold 13.0d2e1
- Lantinghei TC Heavy 13.0d2e1
- LiHei Pro 13.0d1e2
- LiSong Pro 13.0d1e1
- Libian SC Regular 13.0d2e1
- Libian TC Regular 13.0d2e1
- LingWai SC Medium 13.0d1e3
- LingWai TC Medium 13.0d1e2
- Maku Bold 14.0d2e2
- Maku Regular 14.0d2e2
- Modak Version 1.155
- Mukta Bold Version 2.538
- Mukta ExtraBold Version 2.538
- Mukta ExtraLight Version 2.538
- Mukta Light Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar Bold Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar ExtraBold Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar ExtraLight Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar Light Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar Medium Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar Regular Version 2.538
- Mukta Malar SemiBold Version 2.538
- Mukta Medium Version 2.538
- Mukta Regular Version 2.538
- Mukta SemiBold Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani Bold Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani ExtraBold Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani ExtraLight Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani Light Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani Medium Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani Regular Version 2.538
- Mukta Vaani SemiBold Version 2.538
- Myriad Arabic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light Italic 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Semibold 13.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Semibold Italic 13.0d1e1
- Nanum Brush Script 13.0d1e3
- Nanum Pen Script 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic Bold 13.0d1e3
- NanumGothic ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo Bold 13.0d1e3
- NanumMyeongjo ExtraBold 13.0d1e3
- Noto Serif Kannada Black Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada Bold Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada ExtraBold Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada ExtraLight Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada Light Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada Medium Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada Regular Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada SemiBold Version 2.001
- Noto Serif Kannada Thin Version 2.001
- Osaka 13.0d1e1
- Osaka-Mono 13.0d1e1
- PCMyungjo Regular 13.0d2e1
- PSL Ornanong Pro 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Bold 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Bold Italic 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Demibold 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Demibold Italic 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Italic 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Light 14.0d1e4
- PSL Ornanong Pro Light Italic 14.0d1e4
- PilGi Regular 13.0d2e5
- Produkt Extralight 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Extralight Italic 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Light 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Light Italic 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Medium 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Medium Italic 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Regular 15.0d1e7
- Produkt Regular Italic 15.0d1e7
- Proxima Nova 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Bold 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Bold It 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Extrabold 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Extrabold It 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova It 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Light 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Light It 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Medium 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Medium It 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Semibold 15.0d2e3
- Proxima Nova Semibold It 15.0d2e3
- Publico Headline Black 15.0d1e6
- Publico Headline Black Italic 15.0d1e6
- Publico Headline Bold 15.0d1e6
- Publico Headline Bold Italic 15.0d1e6
- Publico Headline Italic 15.0d1e6
- Publico Headline Roman 15.0d1e6
- Publico Text Bold 15.0d1e2
- Publico Text Bold Italic 15.0d1e2
- Publico Text Italic 15.0d1e2
- Publico Text Roman 15.0d1e2
- Publico Text Semibold 15.0d1e2
- Publico Text Semibold Italic 15.0d1e2
- Quotes Caps Regular 15.0d1e2
- Quotes Script Regular 15.0d1e3
- STFangsong 13.0d1e1
- STHeiti 13.0d1e2
- STIX Two Math Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Bold Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Bold Italic Version 2.00 b137
- STIX Two Text Italic Version 2.00 b137
- STKaiti 13.0d2e2
- STXihei 13.0d1e6
- Sauber Script 15.0d1e3
- Shobhika Bold Version 1.040
- Shobhika Regular Version 1.040
- SimSong Regular 15.0d1e7
- Spot Mono Bold 15.0d1e2
- Spot Mono Medium 15.0d1e2
- Spot Mono Regular 15.0d1e2
- Tiro Bangla 14.0d1e4
- Tiro Gurmukhi 14.0d1e3
- Tiro Hindi 14.0d1e11
- Tiro Kannada 14.0d1e4
- Tiro Marathi 14.0d1e6
- Tiro Sanskrit 14.0d1e3
- Tiro Tamil 14.0d1e3
- Tiro Telugu 14.0d1e3
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Demibold 13.0d2e3
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Regular 13.0d2e3
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Gothic Extrabold 13.0d2e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Mincho Extrabold 13.0d2e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Mincho Regular 13.0d2e2
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Bold 15.0d1e1
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Regular 15.0d1e1
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Bold 15.0d1e2
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Regular 15.0d1e2
- Wawati SC Regular 13.0d1e2
- Wawati TC Regular 15.0d1e3
- Weibei SC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Weibei TC Bold 13.0d2e2
- Xingkai SC Bold 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai SC Light 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai TC Bold 13.0d3e3
- Xingkai TC Light 13.0d3e3
- YuGothic Bold 15.0d1e1
- YuGothic Medium 15.0d1e1
- YuKyokasho Bold 15.0d1e1
- YuKyokasho Medium 15.0d1e1
- YuKyokasho Yoko Bold 15.0d1e1
- YuKyokasho Yoko Medium 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho +36p Kana Demibold 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho +36p Kana Extrabold 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho +36p Kana Medium 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho Demibold 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho Extrabold 15.0d1e1
- YuMincho Medium 15.0d1e1
- Yuanti SC Bold 14.0d1e1
- Yuanti SC Light 14.0d1e1
- Yuanti SC Regular 14.0d1e1
- Yuanti TC Bold 14.0d1e1
- Yuanti TC Light 14.0d1e1
- Yuanti TC Regular 14.0d1e1
- Yuppy SC Regular 13.0d1e1
- Yuppy TC Regular 13.0d1e1
Fonts available for document support in Catalina
These fonts are available only in documents that already use the font, or in apps that request the font by name. Some are older fonts that were included with earlier versions of the Mac operating system or Apple apps.
- Academy Engraved LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e2
- Al Firat Regular 13.0d2e10
- Al Khalil Bold 13.0d2e3
- Al Khalil Regular 13.0d2e3
- Al Rafidain Al Fanni 13.0d2e2
- Al Rafidain Regular 13.0d2e1
- Algiers Regular 13.0d2e1
- Asphalt Medium 13.1d1e1
- Athelas Bold 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Italic 13.0d1e3
- Athelas Regular 13.0d1e3
- Balega Regular 13.0d1e4
- Bank Gothic Light 13.0d1e3
- Bank Gothic Medium 13.0d1e3
- Basra Bold 13.0d1e3
- Basra Regular 13.0d1e3
- Bebas Neue 13.0d1e1
- Blackmoor LET Plain:2.0 13.0d1e4
- BlairMdITC TT Medium 13.0d1e2
- Bodoni 72 Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book 13.0d2e1
- Bodoni Ornaments 13.0d2e1
- Book Antiqua 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Bold 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Book Antiqua Italic 13.0d1e2
- Bookman Old Style 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Bold 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Bookman Old Style Italic 13.0d1e3
- Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Plain 13.0d3e2
- Bradley Hand Bold 14.0d0e1
- Braganza 13.0d1e3
- Capitals 13.0d1e2
- Carlito Version 1.103
- Carlito Bold Version 1.103
- Carlito Bold Italic Version 1.103
- Carlito Italic Version 1.103
- Century Gothic 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Bold 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Century Gothic Italic 13.0d1e4
- Century Schoolbook 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Century Schoolbook Italic 13.0d1e2
- Charcoal CY 13.0d1e2
- Dear Joe Four 13.0d2e4
- Dear Joe Four Small 13.0d2e4
- Dear Joe Four Small Semibold 13.0d2e4
- Dijla Regular 13.0d2e1
- Druk Bold 15.0d4e1
- Druk Bold Italic 15.0d4e1
- Druk Heavy 15.0d4e1
- Druk Heavy Italic 15.0d4e1
- Druk Medium 15.0d4e1
- Druk Medium Italic 15.0d4e1
- Druk Super 15.0d4e1
- Druk Super Italic 15.0d4e1
- Druk Text Bold 15.0d4e1
- Druk Wide Bold 15.0d4e1
- Druk Wide Bold Italic 15.0d4e1
- Druk Wide Medium 15.0d4e1
- Druk Wide Medium Italic 15.0d4e1
- Fakt Slab Stencil Pro Medium 13.0d3e7
- Forgotten Futurist Bold 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Bold Italic 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Italic 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Regular 13.0d1e3
- Forgotten Futurist Shadow 13.0d1e3
- Garamond 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Bold 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Garamond Italic 13.0d1e2
- Geneva CY 13.0d1e1
- Helvetica CY Bold 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY BoldOblique 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY Oblique 13.0d1e2
- Helvetica CY Plain 13.0d1e2
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W6 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W3 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN W6 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic Std W8 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic StdN W8 15.0d1e3
- Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro W4 15.0d1e2
- Hiragino Mincho Pro W3 15.0d1e2
- Hiragino Mincho Pro W6 15.0d1e2
- Hopper Script Regular 13.0d1e4
- Iowan Old Style Black 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Black Italic 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Bold 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Bold Italic 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Italic 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Roman 14.0d1e1
- Iowan Old Style Titling 14.0d1e1
- Jazz LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e3
- Journal Sans New Inline 13.0d4e1
- Koufi Abjadi Regular 13.0d1e5
- Laimoon Regular 13.0d1e5
- Lantinghei TC Extralight 13.0d2e1
- Marion Bold 13.0d1e2
- Marion Italic 13.0d1e2
- Marion Regular 13.0d1e2
- Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT 13.0d3e2
- Nisan Regular 13.0d1e4
- Noto Sans Armenian Black 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian Bold 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian ExtraBold 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian ExtraLight 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian Light 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian Medium 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian Regular 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian SemiBold 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Armenian Thin 15.0d1e2
- Noto Sans Avestan Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Bamum Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Batak Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Brahmi Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Buginese Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Buhid Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Carian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Chakma Regular Version 2.001
- Noto Sans Cham Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Coptic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Cuneiform Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Cypriot Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Glagolitic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Gothic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Hanunoo Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Kaithi Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Kayah Li Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Kharoshthi Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Lepcha Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Limbu Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Linear B Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Lisu Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Lycian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Lydian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Mandaic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Meetei Mayek Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Mongolian Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans NKo Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans New Tai Lue Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Ogham Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Ol Chiki Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Old Italic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Old Persian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Old South Arabian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Old Turkic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Osmanya Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans PhagsPa Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Phoenician Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Rejang Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Runic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Samaritan Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Saurashtra Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Shavian Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Sundanese Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Syloti Nagri Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Syriac Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Tagalog Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Tagbanwa Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Tai Le Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Tai Tham Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Viet Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Thaana Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Tifinagh Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Ugaritic Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Vai Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Yi Regular Version 2.000
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Black 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Bold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi ExtraBold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi ExtraLight 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Light 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Medium 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Regular 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi SemiBold 14.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Zawgyi Thin 14.0d4e1
- Noto Serif Balinese Regular Version 2.000
- Party LET Plain 13.0d1e2
- PortagoITC TT 13.0d1e4
- Princetown LET 13.0d1e2
- Raya Regular 13.0d1e4
- Santa Fe LET Plain:1.0 13.0d1e3
- Scheme-Bold 13.0d3e1
- SchoolHouse Cursive B 13.0d1e1
- SchoolHouse Printed A 13.0d1e1
- Seravek 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Bold 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Bold Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek ExtraLight 13.0d3e2
- Seravek ExtraLight Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Light 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Light Italic 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Medium 13.0d3e2
- Seravek Medium Italic 13.0d3e2
- Somer Regular 13.0d1e4
- Stone Sans ITC TT Bold 13.0d2e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT Semi 13.0d2e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT SemiIta 13.0d2e1
- Superclarendon Black 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Black Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Bold 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Bold Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Light 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Light Italic 13.0d1e4
- Superclarendon Regular 13.0d1e4
- Synchro LET 13.0d4e1
- The Hand Serif Semibold 13.1d1e1
- Tw Cen MT 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Bold 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Bold Italic 13.0d1e2
- Tw Cen MT Italic 13.0d1e2
- Type Embellishments One LET Embellishments One LET Plain:1.0 13.0d2e7
- Yaziji Regular 13.0d1e4
- Zawra Bold 13.0d1e5
- Zawra Heavy 13.0d1e5
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Revised: Tue 9 November 1999
- Pali language textbooks
- Partial answer key to Warder's Introduction to Pali
How to learn Pali
It's not difficult to learn a litte Pali through self-study, using a textbook or two or three as a guide. Many people find it helpful (not to mention just plain more fun) to study with others, either in a formal classroom setting or in an informal Pali study group. For many of us, the goal is not to become expert scholars and translators of the language, but simply to become acquainted with the basics of the language so as to enrich our personal understanding of the suttas and the Buddha's teachings. For self-study, Warder's Introduction to Pali or de Silva's Pali PrimerPali Font For Mac
are the basic texts. Johansson's Pali Buddhist Texts Explained to the Beginner is also useful.Pali Font Needed For Macs
Formal classroom courses in Pali are offered at many universities with strong Eastern Religions departments, as well as several Buddhist studies centers and institutes. Some university-level Pali courses require previous acquaintance with Sanskrit. If you are looking for a Pali teacher, consider asking around at a university to see if there might be a graduate student willing to tutor you or your study group, perhaps for a small fee. Also, some professors may be willing to let you audit a course without going through the official university registration process.
There are a number of good websites offering Pali resources that may be of help in your search for Pali teachers and study aids.
Coping with Pali diacritical marks and fonts
Alas, there is no standardized method for displaying Pali's accented characters on computer screens. Over the years, many different methods have been adopted in an attempt to express Pali diacritics using the limited character sets available to personal computers. Some of these strategies are:- Ignore them altogether. This is the method generally used here at Access to Insight (although I have used the palatal nasal ñ because it is easily implemented using HTML).For example, the first precept would be written thus:
panatipata veramani sikkha-padam samadiyami.
- Double the vowels, punctuate the consonants. Two basic rules are observed: (1) long vowels are doubled: aa ii uu. (2) For consonants, the diacritic mark precedes the letter it affects. Thus, the retroflex (cerebral) consonants are: .r .t .th .d .dh .n .m .s .l; the palatal nasal becomes ~n; the guttural nasal becomes 'n. This method has been used for many years in e-mail correspondence among Pali and Sanskrit scholars. It's precise, although it does take some getting used to:
paa.naatipaataa verama.nii sikkhaa-pada.m samaadiyaami.
- Fake it using HTML. HTML has a few characters that take care of some of the letters OK. For the long vowels you can use some sort of accent: ä ï ü,à ì ù,â î û etc. The palatal n is straightforward: ñ. Whatever method you adopt, be consistent. Example:
pâ.nâtipâtâ verama.nî sikkhâ-pada.m samâdiyâmi.
- Use capital letters. Capitalized letters represent letters with an accompanying diacritic. This method is simple, but it has ambiguities (e.g., how to distinguish between palatal and guttural n?). Example:
pANAtipAtA veramaNI sikkhA-padaM samAdiyAmi.
- Use a Pali font. There are several Pali fonts available for both Macintosh and Windows computers. K.R. Norman's Pali fonts (TrueType and PostScript versions, for Mac and Windows) are good -- and free:
- Macintosh users: download the self-extracting archive NORM.SEA.HQX.
Use Stuffit Expander or some other utility to un-Binhex this file (if necessary), then double click on the file NORM.SEA. This will create a folder on your hard disk containing the fonts you need. To intsall the fonts, simply drag the font suitcases and the PostScript printer files into your system folder. - PC users: download the zipped archive NORMAN.ZIP.
Unzip this file, yielding the Truetype fonts Normyn.ttf and its italic equivalent Mytymes.ttf. Install these fonts according to the instructions in your Windows manual.
Pierre Robillard's DPalatino and DTimes fonts (for Macintosh computers) are excellent, and have been used for many years by Wisdom Publications. Many of their books, including The Long Discourses of The Buddha (by Maurice Walshe) and The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (by Bhikkhu Ñanamoli & Bhikkhu Bodhi), were set almost entirely in DPalatino. Several years ago these fonts were available as part of Robillard's 'Tibetan on the Macintosh' font package, at a cost of about US$70 from Snow Lion Publications (PO Box 6483, Ithaca, NY 14851-6483; Tel: 800-950-0313 or 607-273-8519).
- Macintosh users: download the self-extracting archive NORM.SEA.HQX.
Pali language textbooks
There are quite a few Pali books out there, but so far none surpasses the breadth and depth of A.K. Warder's superb Introduction to Pali.Pali Font Needed For Mac Os
de Silva's Pali Primer, a relative newcomer to the Pali textbook scene, offers a light and refreshing complement to the high-density Warder. If you're trying to learn Pali on your own, it can be helpful to have several books to turn to, as each offers its unique perspective on the language.- Introduction to Pali, by A.K. Warder
London: Pali Text Society, 1963; rev. 1991
464pp, with exercises.
About $13 from Pariyatti Book Service, Seattle. Companion cassette tape also available.
Known popularly as 'Warder,' this is the standard Pali textbook widely used today. It is systematic and thorough, ideally suited to those with some prior familiarity with basic linguistic concepts (case, declension, gender, etc.) or to the motivated newcomer. Although beginners may at first find some of Warder's explanations impenetrable, it's still the best overall Pali textbook around.The companion cassette tape is well worth purchasing, as it gives the student a good idea of what 'real' spoken Pali should sound like.
The newest edition of the book contains answers to many of the exercises. If you own a copy of one of the earlier editions, you might want to have a look at some of the answers to the exercises.
- Pali Primer, by Lily de Silva
Igatpuri, India: Vipassana Research Institute, 1994
Vipassana Research Institute
Igatpuri 422403
Maharashtra, India
Available by mail order via the Pariyatti Book Service.
This is a nice first book for those who think they're not ready yet for Warder. Each chapter focuses on a single concept of Pali grammar, and contains numerous exercises. I found, though, that there comes a point in the book (somewhere around Lesson 11) when the brief grammatical introductions in the beginning of the lessons begin to fall short. In particular, there is no explanation of word order in Pali sentences. At this point, Warder -- or a teacher -- can come to the rescue. An Appendix to the book, containing solutions to the exercises, is forthcoming from the publisher. - Pali Buddhist Texts Explained to the Beginner, by Rune E.A. Johansson
Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series, No. 14. London: Curzon Press, 1981
This book consists of 52 short chapters, each consisting of a brief passage from the Pali Canon along with a word-for-word grammatical analysis and translation. Useful to the student with some prior grasp of the fundamentals of Pali, or when used in parallel with Warder (above). It also stands well on its own for newcomers who wish to develop a 'feel' for the language. An excellent 25-page summary of Pali grammar appears in the back of the book. The book has been difficult to find in the US lately, although it has surfaced in bookshops in Britain and Asia. If you can't find it, write to the publisher: Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Kejsergade 2, DK-1155 Copenhagen K. - A New Course in Reading Pali: Entering the Word of the Buddha
New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1998
207pp. ISBN 81-208-1440-1 cloth, 81-208-1441-x paper. About $20.
I haven't seen this one yet, although I've heard several favorable reports about it. From the dust jacket (courtesy of Henry Grossi):'This book is intended to serve as an introduction to the reading of Palitexts. For that purpose it uses authentic readings especially compiled for thepurpose drawn largely from Theravada canonical works, both prose and poetry.The readings are in Roman script, and carefully graded for difficulty, butthey have also been selected so that each of them is a meaningful and completereading in itself, so as to introduce some basic concepts and ways of thoughtof Theravada Buddhism. This book thus offers an opportunity to becomeacquainted with the ways in which the teachings of the Buddha are embodied inthe language; a sense that is impossible to determine from English translations. The book contains 12 lessons. Each of them has three parts: (1)a set of basic readings and an accompanying glossary, (2) grammatical notes onthe forms of the lesson, and (3) a set of further readings with its ownglossary. The further readings introduce no new grammatical points, butreinforce ones already presented and give further practice in them. The workconcludes, fittingly, with the Buddha's first sermon, TheDhammacakkappavattana Sutta. A cumulative glossary and index to the grammaris also provided.'
- The New Pali Course -- Parts I & II, by A.P. Buddhadatta
1937; 268pp.
Available for about $4 + shipping from the BuddhistCultural Centre, Sri Lanka.
Topics are arranged systematically in short, digestible chunks (e.g., 'The Alphabet,' 'Pronunciation,' 'Parts of Speech'). Sometimes more explanation would be helpful. Lots of good exercises, but no answers are given. This would work best in a teacher-led course, rather than as a tool for self-study. - Pali Language by E. Muller
Delhi: Bharatiya Book Corporation, 1986
144pp. Available at bookstores in Asia.
A compact grammar, written in 1884. Sanksrit students may find it useful, as it compares and contrasts Pali and Sanskrit at every turn. Not recommended for the rank beginner. - A Pali Grammar, by N.C. Vidyabhushan and M.K. Ghose
Calcutta: Kiron Moy Ghose, 1982
90pp. Available at bookstores in Asia.
Another Pali grammar, similar to The New Pali Course, above, but without any exercises. Useful as a compact reference book after you've learned the basics.
Pali language reference books
Pali Font Needed For Macbook Pro
- Buddhist Dictionary, by Nyanatiloka Thera
Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1988
260pp. About $20, from Pariyatti Book Service, and the Buddhist Publication Society.
This one is a classic. It's a fascinating mixture of Pali and English words, arranged in English word order (e.g., 'Killing... Kiñcana... Kiriya... Knowledge...'). Most entries have thorough explanations with references to passages in the Pali Canon. Excellent tool for beginner and veteran, alike. - Concise Pali-English Dictionary, by A.P. Buddhadatta
Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989
295pp. Available by mail from the publisher: Motilal Banarsidass, Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007, India.
Very handy for quickly finding the meaning of a word, without the detailed grammatical and contextual analysis offered by the Pali-English Dictionary. - English-Pali Dictionary, by A.P. Buddhadatta
London: Pali Text Society, 1979
588pp. $48 through Wisdom Publications.
What are the various Pali words for 'mind'? How do you say 'penknife' in Pali? (!) This handy book can be particularly valuable when exploring Pali-English translations -- your own or others'. - Pali-English Dictionary
London: Pali Text Society, 1986
754pp. About $40, from Pariyatti Book Service.
The primary table-top reference tool for the Pali student. Affectionately known as the PED.