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In this post, we have shared an overview and download link of Robbins Basic Pathology PDF 10th Edition. Read the overview below and download it using links given at the end of the post.
Robbins Basic Pathology is the best-selling book in its field. It has been designed for medical residents, trainees, and clinicians around the world. It offers the most current and up-to-date text in the study of the pathology of various diseases and the challenges faced by humanity today.
The reason behind the popularity of Robbins Basic Pathology is that of its easy-to-understand and concise text. You will also be able to access new information in the field of molecular biology, drug therapies, new drug trials and their results and classification of diseases.
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Features of Robbins Basic Pathology PDF
Here’s a quick overview of the important features of this book:
- Excellent art program boasts high-quality photomicrographs, gross photos, and radiologic images to supplement the world-class illustrations.
- Bulleted summary boxes provide quick access to key information and easy review of key concepts.
- Highlights pathogenesis, morphology, and pathophysiologic content throughout.
- Includes increased and updated clinical topics.
- New artwork and more schematic diagrams summarize key pathologic processes.
- An all-star editorial team enables you to gain a rich understanding of all essential pathology concepts.
- Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and images from the book on a variety of devices. You’ll also access virtual microscope slides, self-assessment questions, additional images, updated pathology case studies, and Targeted Therapy boxes.
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Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents which you will be able to access in Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease PDF:
Chapter 1. The Cell as a Unit of Health and Disease
Chapter 2. Cell Injury, Cell Death, and Adaptations
Chapter 3. Inflammation and Repair
Chapter 4. Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolism, and Shock
Chapter 5. Diseases of the Immune System
Chapter 6. Neoplasia
Chapter 7. Genetic and Pediatric Diseases
Chapter 8. Environmental and Nutritional Diseases
Chapter 9. General Pathology of Infectious Diseases
Chapter 10. Blood Vessels
Chapter 11. Heart
Chapter 12. Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems
Chapter 13. Lung
Chapter 14. Kidney and Its Collecting System
Chapter 15. Oral Cavities and Gastrointestinal Tract
Chapter 16. Liver and Gallbladder
Chapter 17. Pancreas
Chapter 18. Male Genital System and Lower Urinary Tract
Chapter 19. Female Genital System and Breast
Chapter 20. Endocrine System
Chapter 21. Bones, Joints, and Soft Tissue Tumors
Chapter 22. Peripheral Nerves and Muscles
Chapter 23. Central Nervous System
Chapter 24. Skin
Robbins Patologia Pdf 2010 Free
Download Robbins Basic Pathology PDF 10th Edition
Pdf Download
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