Dec 14, 2018 Sixaxis Controller Driver For Pc; 0 Comments Sixaxis Controller, Sixaxis Controller for pc, Sixaxis Controller on pc, Sixaxis Controller online, Sixaxis Controller pc Download Sixaxis Controller for PC/Mac/Windows 7,8,10 and have the fun experience of using the smartphone Apps on Desktop or personal computers. This package provides the installation files for PS3 Controller Driver 0.01 for Mac OS. Once the download is complete, double-click the installation file and follow the instructions provided in order to update your drivers.
November 25, 2008
Sixaxis + OSX
Here is source for sixaxis-init app for osx, based on source I found some time ago for linux.
connnect sixaxis to usb port, run sixaxis-init, if it found and initilized sixaxis gamepad – press PS button.
Sixaxis Controller Driver For Mac Windows 7
Now you can use ur sixaxis gamepad with apps which supports gamepads, like controllermate.
Sixaxis Controller Driver For Mac Installer
link to sources and binary
Sixaxis Controller Driver For Mac Os
Update: sixaxis in osx works with most cider games whichi normaly supports controllers, like nfs Mostwanted/Carbon